SAP User Interfaces
UI5 Converter
From ITSmobile to UI5 in 10 minutes!
Do you want to be constantly one step ahead? You know the added value of a clear and simple UI design?
In the area of mobile solutions, SAP delivers an outdated standard - simple screens that can be converted into HTML pages using the ITSmobile framework and thus displayed in a browser.
The standard technology has various disadvantages:
- The user interface is outdated
- Scaling to multiple device types - i.e. the use of different end devices - is not possible without additional development effort
- The performance is rather mediocre due to the high volume of data required for the display

Take your warehouse to the next level
Take your warehouse management to the next level with our UI5 Converter. The converter enables the transformation of your ITSmobile standard interface, e.g. the RF framework in SAP EWM as well as in SAP WM (Stock Room Management) without any intervention in the technical infrastructure.
Only minimal amounts of data are transferred to the end device, so that the solution can be optimally used for mobile scanners. Enable your employees to work quickly and intuitively on all end devices used.
This is what the UI5 Converter offers you:
- Fiori Launchpad Integration
- High mobile usability compared to ITSmobile
- Ensuring basic functionality and existing customizing content
- Responsive design (scaling to any device)
- Hardware integration for scanning, photos or signatures
- Easy customization of screens, fields, icons and colors

The benefits at a glance:
- Ready to run in one day
- Faster working and learning
- No 3rd party app needed on the end device
- Runs on any HTML5-enabled browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.)
- Compatible and future-proof thanks to SAP standard UI
- Own developments possible thanks to ABAP standard
- Trial version with a runtime of 2-6 months possible
Cloud solution or software package?
To give our customers more flexibility, we offer UI5 Converter both as a cloud solution and as a software package that can be installed locally.
Advantages Cloud solution/Cloud connection:
Virtually no initial effort and can be used with any device.
Advantages local solution:
Suitable for companies that want to store their sensitive data on their own server
We promise:
- Fast ROI
- Investment protection
- Expandable and future-proof
- Deployable in a day
Future Features:
- Config builder (customization of generated screens through a no-code tool)
- Image display
- Infinity scrolling
Our Businesspartner
More information about the UI5 Converter can be found on the website of triron
Are you interested in the UI5 Converter?
Contact us now and arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.